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HSBC-supported innovator challenge launches for Low Carbon Energy Solutions

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The application window for the fourth cohort of our CIP Low Carbon Energy Solutions Innovator Challenge will close at 9:00am on Monday 20 November 2023.

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The Climate Innovation Platform (CIP) has launched a new Low Carbon Energy Solutions Innovator Challenge, aimed at supporting businesses committed to driving energy innovation.

Delivered by the University of Birmingham in partnership with Energy Systems Catapult, this latest HSBC-supported Innovator Challenge has been designed for SME innovators who are developing low carbon energy solutions. The programme offers successful applicants tailored packages of support to drive the commercialisation of innovative energy products and services.

Those selected for the CIP Low Carbon Energy Solutions Innovator Challenge will benefit from:

  • Energy Launchpad Incubation Programme
  • Cash grants of up to £5,000 during phase one (five selected businesses from each cohort will progress to phase two and gain access to grants up to the value of £20,500)
  • Incubator management and workspace at Tyseley Energy Park, within Birmingham’s Green Energy and Innovation Quarter
  • Business engagement support through University of Birmingham
  • Tailored mentoring
  • Access to supply chain partner networks
  • Market research and IP strategy
  • Collaboration and invitation to events
  • Grant writing and bid development
  • Investor readiness and introductions

Is my business suitable?
Applications are welcomed from SMEs registered in the UK, and particularly those who can travel to Birmingham to engage with in-person workshops. In particular, we would like to hear from SMEs developing solutions listed in the categories below:

  • Innovative low carbon generation or infrastructure technologies into the built environment
  • Low carbon heating and/or cooling innovations for the built environment
  • Leveraging end user, infrastructure and network data to create new digital platforms, services and business models that accelerate the transition to net zero
  • Energy storage Innovations
  • Innovative Energy from Waste
  • Innovative hydrogen generation solutions for deployment in the transport sector
  • Infrastructure innovations which accelerate the adoption of electric vehicle use
  • Energy storage and smart local energy systems innovations for network optimisation
  • Enabling active, interoperable control systems that delivers more efficient and flexible operation of the local energy system and networks
  • Innovations to decarbonise the textile sector, of particular interest would be natural solutions to decarbonise the product supply chains and unique renewable energy sources

The application window for the fourth cohort of our CIP Low Carbon Energy Solutions Innovator Challenge will close at 9:00am on Monday 20 November 2023. Please apply using the link above.

Energy Launchpad

Turning clean energy innovators into entrepreneurs. Propelling SMEs step-by-step through technical validation towards commercial vindication.

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