Turbo-boosting clean tech innovators to thrive now and in the Net Zero system of the future

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Accelerating innovators to success

Whether you are a start-up innovator or aiming to scale-up your business for markets in the UK or abroad, we offer an unmatched collection of technical, commercial and policy capabilities, tools and expertise to turbo-boost your chances of success.

Energy Launchpad & International – offers you three levels of support:

  1. Universal Innovation Hub

  2. Incubation & Acceleration

  3. International

We offer a broad range of capabilities, tools, and test & demonstration environments from Energy Systems Catapult and partners to help you secure customers, attract investment, and grow your business.

Test and demonstration – Quicker, cheaper and easier

We offer a range of test and demonstration environments to suit your needs, from cutting-edge simulation tools that can rapidly gauge product performance, insights from our 5,000 strong consumer research panel, through to real-world trials in our Living Lab of over 1,700 homes – now connected to our Whole Energy Systems Accelerator for testing flexibility with network operators.


Image: Co-founder & CEO of Airex Technologies, Agnes Czako

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Innovating to Net Zero

Products and Services for Energy Innovators

Helping Net Zero innovators accelerate low carbon technologies to market

Net Zero Innovator Case Studies

Energy Launchpad / Consumer Insight

Manchester-based Evergreen Smart Power are an innovative Virtual Power Plant business, using a digital platform to aggregate and control domestic energy loads resulting from electric vehicles (EVs) and heating to suit specific customer, market, generation and grid conditions.

Evergreen’s EV solution can respond to grid conditions, moving charging to off-peak hours to reduce strain on the network at peak times, while ensuring that EVs are sufficiently charged when needed. The solution also optimises other loads, such as heat pumps and electric heaters.

Energy Launchpad helped Evergreen develop their future roadmap through competitive landscaping, consumer insights/trial and detailed analysis with our Business Model Innovation team. This examined alternative target markets and revenue streams. Outputs were developed to be used for pitches to future investors.

Following this incubation support, Energy Systems Catapult then helped Evergreen develop and deliver a follow-on test & demonstration project called Flexibly-Responsive Energy Delivery with 250 consumers driving and smart-charging EVs at home – supported by our Consumer Insight team.

Watch the case study:

Evergreen Smart Power Co-Founder Andy McKay said: “Prior to this piece of work we had one main product. In effect this has identified two new product variants that address innovative opportunities and other areas that will move quicker than our long term market. This will translate into 3 separate platforms requiring separate teams.

“Energy Launchpad has allowed us to tap into a wide range of energy sector industry expertise with a support package tailored to our specific needs. It’s an opportunity every energy start-up would benefit from.”

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