Propelling start-ups from innovators to entrepreneurs with tailored incubation and acceleration support

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Accelerating innovators from start-ups to scale-ups

Energy Launchpad Incubation & Acceleration service propels start-ups step-by-step from innovation assessment to commercial scale-up.

We know the energy system. Drawing on a range of capabilities, tools, and test & demonstration environments from Energy Systems Catapult and partners to help you understand your route to market and agency in the value chain, securing customers, attracting investment, and growing your business.

Innovation Assessment

  • Each innovator receives a bespoke needs assessment, helping you develop an action plan to address the immediate & medium-term needs of commercialising your business.

Technical & Commercial Expertise

Mentoring and Coaching

  • Helping you navigate the energy sector, address commercialisation challenges and secure solutions that accelerate the scale-up of your business. Support that you can tap into over the short to medium term.

Facilitating Partnerships and Networking

  • We offer opportunities for innovators to engage with potential corporate customers and investors, and offer links to international opportunities.
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Opportunities: Innovator Challenges, Funding Calls & Events

Case Studies


Ventive started out as a designer and manufacturer of innovative passive ventilation systems, before expanding into developing a smart, zero carbon home solution, that includes: low carbon heating and cooling, electrical and thermal energy storage, hot and cold water and ventilation all in one box – Ventive Home.

Following a rigorous Innovator Challenge application process of SMEs developing innovative smart heating and cooling solutions, Energy Launchpad selected Ventive to receive support for commercial development.

Watch the case study:

Ventive had secured a pilot project with Nottingham City Council to demonstrate retrofitting for social housing. Ventive Home gave tenants improved air quality, comfort and lower energy bills. The local authority or housing association got a simple to install and cost-effective whole house retrofit solution.

But Ventive were unsure which market segments were ready for complex retrofit solutions, which business models were suitable for financing and how to improve consumer services.

Energy Launchpad supported Ventive with:

  • Market Insights – quantifying the market opportunity, prioritise target sectors based on value
  • Business Model Innovation – we developed a commercial route to market with a viable “Comfort-as-a-Service” business model that makes Ventive Home more affordable for both tenant and landlord.

Where are Ventive now?

  • Nottingham City Council has a plan to retrofit around 20,000 homes in response to the climate emergency and Ventive are in a prime position to help them execute that ambition.
  • Ventive began manufacturing their Ventive Home innovation in Summer 2022 with 7,500 systems set for UK homes within 18 months.
  • New and bespoke manufacturing facility at Hartlebury, Worcestershire, creating 40 new jobs.
  • Production set to rise to 100,000 by 2025, to accelerate the UK’s drive towards Net Zero.

Technical, Commercial and Policy expertise

Contact us

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