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Operationalising a Carbon Regulator - Learning from other sectors

This report is the first in our Operationalising a Carbon Regulator series where we consider the feasibility of setting up an independent regulator to plug some of the gaps in carbon accounting regulation and move to a more robust, data driven Net Zero economy. The report draws on insights from existing regulated sectors and interviews with senior regulatory experts in industry and academia.

In this report we dive deeper into the foundations of regulation, how feasible it is to setup a new regulator, and explore what we can learn from regulatory experts in other sectors.

Key insights

  • Government often looks to sectors to develop self regulating practices instead of, or to complement, formal regulation.
  • The implementation of a new regulatory body requires due consideration.
  • The effective delivery of regulation requires a good understanding of business needs, economic risks, and innovation opportunities.

Keep an eye out for future reports in this series, where we dive into the existing regulatory landscape and international considerations for a Carbon Regulator.

Read the Report

Operationalising a carbon regulator (report one)

Operationalising a Carbon Regulator

In July 2023, Energy Systems Catapult kicked off a two-year project that aims to set out how the concept of a Carbon Regulator could be brought to life. As part of the cross-Catapult Carbon Accounting Programme, funded by Innovate UK and led by the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, we are aiming to answer the question: What does regulatory oversight for carbon accounting and emissions data look like in a Net Zero economy?

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Net Zero Carbon Policy

Net Zero Carbon Policy is an Energy Systems Catapult thought leadership project, focusing on how the UK can develop an innovation-friendly, economy-wide framework for Net Zero.

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