Why Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) is important for Energy Systems Catapult

Energy Systems Catapult exists to accelerate Net Zero energy innovation. We believe innovation thrives in diverse and inclusive environments. Fostering equity, diversity and inclusion in the energy sector and research and innovation communities will lead to more and better innovation towards Net Zero – directly contributing towards our core mission.

It will also make this innovation more likely to lead to positive outcomes for all. Creating a diverse, inclusive innovation community will help us better understand the impacts of innovations on different groups and shape innovation to take the needs of those groups into account.

Inclusion is vital in decarbonising the whole energy system – we can’t leave anyone behind. To this end, we will actively design and promote solutions that increase inclusion in the energy transition. Together we are aiming for a better future energy system – one that is decarbonised, inclusive, and works for all.

This is why EDI is important for the Catapult – it enables more effective innovation towards a Net Zero energy system that works for everyone. Our ambition is that Energy Systems Catapult is the place where people can do the most important work of their career. To enable that, we want the Catapult to be a fulfilling and enjoyable place to work, where everyone who works here feels valued and respected.

This is the right thing to do, but also will have benefits for us as an organisation. Diverse and inclusive organisations have been shown to be more innovative and more likely to achieve their goals.

People will perform better in their roles if their unique perspectives are valued, and they are given fair opportunities to make the most of their potential. People who feel valued, understood and fairly treated are also more likely to want to contribute at the Catapult and will work to make it a better organisation.

Diverse perspectives will enable us to understand the world better and drive change more effectively. They will help us identify our blind spots and address them – ensuring we remain a healthy and effective organisation.

This is why EDI is important for the Catapult – it ensures our people are valued and the Catapult is a great organisation to be part of.

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Listen to what our colleagues had to say when we asked what ED&I means to them.

Gender pay gap

Energy Systems Catapult has undertaken its first gender pay gap review, carried out by an external organisation. Mandatory Gender Pay Gap reporting applies to all employers in England, Wales and Scotland with at least 250 employees as of the 5th of April 2023 snapshot date. The Catapult reached 250 employees in March 2023.

It needs to be noted that a gender pay gap is a measure of the difference in the average pay of all men and of all women in an organisation, regardless of the roles that they do. It is not the same as an equal pay comparison, which directly compares the pay of two or more people carrying out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value.

The information submitted by employers is published on the government website and calculations have been performed in line with associated regulations, which require the following to be calculated:

The data used is a snapshot from April 2023, which is before the Catapult’s 2023 pay review had been processed.  It also needs to be noted that we have since changed our approach to ‘job families’ across the business since this point in time.

Key findings

What is driving our gap?

Recommended actions

It is noted that this is the first Gender Pay Gap report the company has produced, therefore it is an initial insight for the Catapult to work on over an advised period of three to five years. It should be recognised that the gap will not close within the first year and the below recommendations will be implemented across this period to ensure a proactive approach in closing the gender pay gap.

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