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Call for Information from Tool Providers for UK Local Authority Toolkit to support SLES Innovations

Energy Systems Catapult’s Energy Revolution Integration Service (ERIS) is looking for information from potential tool providers for consideration for inclusion in their local authority driven Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES) Toolkit.

ERIS seeks to support the Prospering for the Energy Revolution (PFER) service in achieving its goals. One way in which it will do this is to engage with suitably qualified industry sector participants to help define, develop and provide a consolidated set of resources (SLES Toolkit) for assisting local authorities and their partners to implement SLES innovations across the UK in their drive towards the Green Recovery. The PFER programme includes a programme of SLES projects (26) which are at different stages of development and have received funding; more details can be found here.

The SLES Toolkit is a curated set of resources that local authority users can access quickly, easily, and reliably that will support them in overcoming barriers to taking a SLES forward across its full lifecycle. These resources could include practical tools, models, templates, methodologies, expertise, amongst other capabilities.

ERIS will utilise transparent and structured processes to develop the toolkit and tool inclusion and will actively promote the adoption and collaboration across this important sector by ensuring it is driven by user requirements. The aspiration is that the Toolkit will have a national impact by providing practical, real-world support to local authorities and their partners.

The development of the SLES Toolkit and its requirements is at an early stage. ERIS is therefore looking for potential tool providers to help build it and fill the gap that is believed to exist for this type of support for local authorities and their partners in designing, planning, funding, implementing and operating their SLES’ projects.

Local authority activities that we’re currently looking for tools to support:
  • Building the initial business case
  • Addressing the need for funding and investment
  • Developing the roadmap and timelines
  • Horizon scanning to provide insight into relevant aspects of the landscape
  • Enabling efficient and effective procurement
  • Identifying and committing resources and supply chain
  • Identifying data requirements
  • Identifying and engaging with stakeholders.

This Request for Information is seen as an important first step of active engagement with the sector to identify offerings that would add value to the Toolkit.

If you think you or your organisation has a tool which will be of practical use to a local authority across the following stages then please review the Expression of Interest (EOI). Responses to our EOI are expected by Monday 23 Nov 2020. Please view our Tool Providers for UK Local Authority Toolkit EoI webinar below, which took place on 29 October 2020. This is also available on Contracts Finder along with a transcript of questions asked during the webinar.

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