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Decarbonise Buildings: Towards an Enduring Policy Framework

With the UK legislating a target to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions across the economy by 2050, the case for an enduring policy framework to decarbonise buildings is clear: everything – all buildings, cars, and industries – must be zero carbon in aggregate by 2050.

Progress in decarbonising buildings has been slow, but is essential to meet Net Zero. Gas dominates energy use in existing buildings and incentives to cut emissions are currently weak. The UK faces a massive task and a huge commercial opportunity, with the Committee on Climate Change estimating a £15bn pa cost by 2050 (0.4% of GDP).

Energy Systems Catapult’s Market’s, Policy and Regulation team believes an enduring policy framework is needed to drive fundamental change across multiple value chains over the next three decades.

Decarbonising Buildings: Key points

Here are six potential steps to build markets to deliver these variegated solutions by 2050:

To achieve net zero targets, energy innovations need to be applied across the whole system, including the built environment. By following these six steps to zero carbon buildings, the UK in a strong place to reach our 2050 targets.

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Towards an enduring policy framework to decarbonise buildings

Markets, Policy & Regulation

Independent thought leadership that combines expertise in clean technology, economics, and energy policy design, informed by cutting-edge modelling and evidence-based analysis.

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