
Living Lab brochure

Quick, safe and affordable. Design, market-test and launch innovative products, services and business models for Net Zero with real people in over 1000 connected homes

Our Living Lab has been helping energy innovators since 2015. We’ve used sensors to see beyond what people say to what they do. We’ve used models to relate behaviour to the energy system. This has shown us that there are lots of ways to improve people’s experiences using energy at home.

With hundreds of digitally connected homes around the UK, our Living Lab can help you to design and then test smart energy services through our digital, online portal. With real people in real homes, we offer your service to residents through the trial, a great way to find out if people like your offer and what they might be willing to pay for it.

Open for a wide variety of domestic energy trials


Figure 1: The Living Lab is open for a wide variety of domestic energy trials

A Living Lab trial is an excellent way to evaluate your product or service as we can draw upon wider Catapult expertise and capabilities – including Consumer Insight, Digital & Data, Business Model Innovation and Systems Integration – as well as the skills and expertise of our partners.


Figure 2: Key benefits to trialling in the Living Lab

Download the Brochure

Living Lab: a national asset for home energy innovation

Contact the Living Lab team

Join other successful SME Innovators and contact us to discuss starting your own trial in our Living Lab.

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