
Response to UK Emissions Trading Scheme carbon leakage consultation

Energy Systems Catapult welcomes the opportunity to respond to this Department for Energy Security and Net Zero Consultation on the UK Emissions Trading Scheme carbon leakage consultation.

Key points:

  • Support for progress: We support the Authority’s decision to move beyond the ‘do nothing’ option, as well as the proposed parameters for adjustment.
  • Phasing free allocation: We advocate for phasing out free allocation starting in 2027, aligning with the implementation of the UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). A seven year transition (2027–2034) using an EU-aligned S-curve trajectory would offer initial protection against carbon leakage, provide firms time to adapt, and send a clear signal of the CBAM’s long-term role.
  • Addressing export leakage risks: We believe export leakage risks for high-export installations require more attention. A rebate mechanism for exported goods could be an alternative to free allocation, although potential challenges under WTO rules and risks of incentivising high-carbon exports must be carefully assessed. If a rebate system is implemented, we recommend a phased reduction of free allocation to zero over time.
  • Assessment criteria: We agree with the proposed criteria but recommend including an additional criterion to minimise the administrative burden on installations. For instance, disaggregating data submissions for CBAM and non-CBAM products could be streamlined to reduce complexity while maintaining robust reporting.
  • Prioritisation of criteria: We rank the assessment criteria in order of importance as follows:
    • Mitigating carbon leakage risk for imports.
    • Impact of free allocation adjustment on ETS effectiveness.
    • Technical feasibility of the methodology.
    • Affordability for government and administrative burden minimisation.
    • Mitigating carbon leakage risk for exports.

Read the Response

UK Emissions Trading Scheme carbon leakage consultation

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