24/09/2024 - Behaviour change for domestic retrofit: effective strategies and methods

Retrofitting domestic buildings to improve energy efficiency is crucial for reducing carbon emissions across all UK authorities. However, increasing citizen participation in these programmes remains a significant challenge. Changing the mindset and behaviour of individuals towards retrofitting can be difficult, but there are effective strategies and methods that can help local authorities across the UK.

Join us on Tuesday 24 September for a session where industry experts and local authority speakers will share best practices and innovative approaches to drive participation in retrofitting programmes. Our webinar will cover:

  • Insights from our latest user research on behaviour change and retrofitting;
  • Effective strategies and tools to encourage community participation;
  • Success stories from other councils implementing similar projects;
  • Interactive Q&A session.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, share, and collaborate!

Behaviour change for domestic retrofit: effective strategies and methods


Tuesday 24 September 2024



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Duration: 1.5 hrs

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