I hope we make it a LAEP year - Chris Brierley

Comment by Chris Brierley, Senior Engagement and Impact Advisor at Energy Systems Catapult.

May is always a good month in that the budding signs of spring  are in full swing and it’s a time of optimism and hope for the year ahead.

Now, whilst the path to Net Zero remains daunting and has narrowed (because we haven’t done things fast enough and at scale) – there are green shoots.

Local Area Energy Planning is an approach created by my colleagues at Energy Systems Catapult to help local areas turn Net Zero ambition into a proper plan which should, if done right, lead to action on the ground in a coordinated fashion. At least, that’s the hope.


Figure one: What is a LAEP?

What does a LAEP do?

  • Provides an evidence-based plan to underpin funding bids, identify and enable wider area benefits and to join up current plans and policies.
  • identifies low-regret projects and ‘focus zones’ where investment can be targeted initially, all set in the context of a longer-term decarbonisation blueprint.
  • Tackles fuel poverty by facilitating energy efficiency measures and allowing local residents to benefit from the proliferation of cheaper renewable power and demand side response.
  • Helps ease the queue to connect to the grid by giving networks line of sight on where upgrades will be needed.
  • Accelerates electric vehicle take-up by ensuring charging infrastructure is matching local demand.
  • Embeds whole systems thinking.
  • Boosts consumer engagement with Net Zero by properly engaging with their needs and by creating a swathe of local green jobs.

Over the last few years, the areas adopting this approach has snowballed from 15 at the end of 2021 to over 114 now ( as of May 2024). This accounts for nearly 30% of all UK local authorities. So, it is great to see ambitious communities, leaders, and businesses putting plans in place to deliver for their local areas.

But – and it’s a big but – there is a risk of areas being left behind in the transition – from a lack of leadership, money, capacity and capability, and sometimes, a combination of all three.

Make it a LAEP year

That is why we at the Catapult are delighted that Utility Week has launched the ‘Make it a LAEP year’ campaign calling on the UK government to endorse the LAEP methodology, roll it out UK-wide and pay for it. This would create a level playing field where all areas can move forward with a data-driven and evidenced integrated plan.

I attended Utility Week Live` at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham for the launch, and spoke on a panel about why a LAEP isn’t just another report that will sit on a shelf but is something to help set an area on the right path by helping it not only unlock funding ( both private and public) but also highlighting focus zones for activity – the what, where, when and how.

There are areas leaping ahead – Greater Manchester, Greater London, York and North Yorkshire and Wales. Key to those areas moving ahead has been leadership – having the vision and then cracking on with getting plans in place, so Net Zero can be done in a coordinated fashion.

A key theme from the discussions at Utility Week were around those in leadership positions ensuring local communities unique characteristics are taken into account in the transition and help to shape and influence investment. Key to a good LAEP is producing the LAEP locally with engagement with the distribution network operator and we are seeing the plans helping to shape and influence investment by the networks.

A LAEP has to be based on a moment in time but does need refreshing. Work is ongoing to ensure LAEPs are more dynamic and agile.

What we need to make a national programme for LAEP a reality is an endorsement from government and a commitment to fund the £40 million cost. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the time and place is now. Either we act today, or we risk creating a two-speed approach to Net Zero whereby some local areas speed ahead, while others are left behind. Fairness and equity calls for endorsement and funding.

Read the Report

Local Area Energy Planning: The Time and Place is Now

Net Zero Places

We empower and advise Local Authorities, Network Operators, and Central and Devolved Governments to take Net Zero action, mobilising the plans, projects, processes and partners you need to decarbonise local areas.

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