Mind the (data) gap! – Sandeep Kang

Comment by Sandeep Kang, Senior Product Manager at Energy Systems Catapult.

To get to Net Zero, we need accurate and accessible data. Yet many local authorities, network operators, and project developers often encounter challenges when sourcing, conditioning, and using energy data. Read on to unravel the tangled web of data, the specific data needs of Net Zero planners, and to discover how a more streamlined approach to data can support effective decision-making.

The challenges in data acquisition

Many organisations have shared with us that one of the biggest obstacles they face is obtaining consistent, ready-to-use data. Raw datasets often require extensive cleaning and conditioning before they can inform a project, let alone identify potential projects. There are also difficulties in accessing data that answers key questions at the level of detail required, for instance, building-specific estimates, precise spatial information, or network asset information. These issues can slow down project planning and lead to unnecessary delays. It’s not just about gathering data but ensuring that it’s in a format that can be easily communicated to stakeholders, and they can readily integrate into their planning processes.

Essential data for Net Zero projects

For planners working on Net Zero initiatives, the data requirements are clear. Detailed and reliable spatial information is crucial to identify areas suitable for renewable technologies, whether that involves heat pumps, solar PV systems, or electric vehicle (EV) charging points.

Alongside spatial data, having estimates on building sizes and generation potentials can help tailor solutions to the unique characteristics of each locality. The ability to work with data at both a local authority level and down to the postcode sector means that planning can be precise and tailored to specific community needs.

How ready-to-use data addresses these issues

This is where a more refined approach to data can make a real difference. We leverage over 30 years of expertise in data analysis, modelling, spatial analysis, and Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP), to transform raw data into information that’s ready to use from day one.

A data solution that’s regularly updated and ensures that planners always have the most current insights. Data that is standardised and provided in common formats means it can be easily integrated into existing GIS tools, systems, and workflows. Rather than waiting weeks or months for custom-made datasets, planners can access a comprehensive set of information that addresses the specific challenges they face, from sourcing and cleaning data to matching it with the right Net Zero applications.

Bridging the data gap in Net Zero planning is about making high-quality information accessible. actionable, and cost-effective. By understanding the common challenges in data acquisition and recognising the specific needs of Net Zero planners, we can appreciate how a streamlined, ready-to-use approach to data supports better decision-making. Ultimately, the goal is to simplify the planning process so that local authorities and project developers can focus on creating effective solutions for sustainable energy futures.

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