20 December 2022

Mass rollout of heat pumps feasible, but innovation needed to accelerate take up

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13 December 2022

Locational pricing can be the foundation of a Net Zero electricity system, finds new study

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8 December 2022

Electric Vehicle charging innovators invited to enter demonstrator project in India

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28 November 2022

Sunamp awarded £9.25 million UK Government funding for 100 home Living Lab trial of new heat battery

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22 November 2022

Warm Home Prescription trial aims to save NHS time and money by paying energy bills of vulnerable over winter

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10 November 2022

Port Zero feasibility study gets go ahead in Aberdeen

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17 October 2022

MEP wins at the Government Property Awards 2022

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8 September 2022

National Grid ESO and Energy Systems Catapult seek views on scope of “Whole Energy System” for new Future System Operator role

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7 September 2022

Energy retailers must radically evolve to help customers navigate net zero and move away from an energy system reliant of volatile fossil fuels

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21 July 2022

Schools could achieve net zero with a new community business model

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6 July 2022

Catapult chair Nick Winser appointed Electricity Networks Commissioner to help ensure home-grown energy for Britain

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4 July 2022

Local area energy planning guidance to help local leaders plan for Net Zero

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16 June 2022

Seven recommendations to digitally unite offshore oil, gas, and renewable sectors

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