Chevron News

Australia and UK join forces for industry challenge workshops to help drive Net Zero progress

Australia and the UK ran two virtual workshops – hosted by Energy Systems Catapult – to dig deeper into the challenges the countries jointly face in reducing industrial emissions and reaching Net Zero.

The two collaborative workshops focused on the Clean Energy Challenge for Industry and the Hydrogen Challenge for Industry, and formed part of a joint industry challenge under the Australia-UK Clean Technology Partnership established between the countries last year.

Researchers, innovators and industry from Australia and the UK came together to discuss the opportunities and barriers to industrial decarbonisation and to reducing the delivered costs of clean hydrogen.

After the power sector, heavy industry is the second-largest source of CO2 emissions, accounting for 27% of all CO2 emissions worldwide. Four materials – steel, cement, aluminium and chemicals – are responsible for 60% of current industry emissions, a total of 7.1 Gt CO2.

Speeding up the decarbonisation of key industrial processes is therefore fundamental to being able to deliver global emissions reductions in line with the latest climate science.

Find out more in the full report on the Australia-UK industry challenge workshops.

Read the report

Australia-UK Clean Energy Workshops – the ‘Clean Energy Challenge for Industry’ and the ‘Hydrogen Challenge for Industry’

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