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UCL’s Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, in partnership with The NHS, Energy Systems Catapult, and The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), have opened applications for a fully-funded, 4-year Studentship in ‘Exploring Pathways for Decarbonising and Improving Resilience of NHS Healthcare Facilities in England’. The PhD will begin in September 2023.
This project will research energy performance of existing healthcare facilities and explore challenges and opportunities for decarbonising healthcare facilities of the NHS. The successful candidate will examine how operational energy performance and key determinants of energy use based on high-resolution data can lead to identifying opportunities for reducing demand for energy. The PhD will also explore how an improved understanding of the relationships between key parameters and energy use can facilitate exploration of the impact of future energy and climate scenarios.
This studentship will aim to support the NHS estates’ transition towards an energy efficient, resilient, Net Zero future.
The PhD will be supervised by Dr Sung-Min Hong of UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, Christine St John Cox of Energy Systems Catapult and Dr Anastasia Mylona of CIBSE.
All CV’s and Cover Letters must be completely anonymised and not contain any references to protected characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity or race.
Please submit your application by email to the UCL ERBE Centre Manager (bseer.erbecdt@ucl.ac.uk) with Subject Reference: 4-year PhD studentship in ‘Exploring Pathways for Decarbonising and Improving Resilience of NHS Healthcare Facilities in England’
The application should include each of the following:
1) An anonymised Cover Letter clearly stating why you are applying and how your interests and experience relate to this project, and your understanding of eligibility according to these guidelines: EU and International Eligibility for EPSRC/UKRI funded studentships
2) An anonymised CV
3) Complete the CDT EPSRC Eligibility Questionnaire and EDI Questionnaire via the linked Microsoft Forms.
Net Zero sites made simpler…we help you to make energy savings and cut emissions across public, commercial or industrial estates with award-winning teamwork, ground-breaking guidance and the latest innovative thinking.
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Find out more about how Energy Systems Catapult can help you and your teams