8 February 2019

Smart Energy Plan – Bridgend County Borough Council

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8 February 2019

Smart Energy Plan – Bridgend County Borough Council

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6 February 2019

Bristol Energy becomes first UK supplier to trial “heat as a service”

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23 January 2019

Rethinking Decarbonisation Incentives: Sectoral Assessment for Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use

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23 January 2019

Rethinking ‘Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use’ Incentives

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18 December 2018

Electric Vehicles – Towards an Excellent User Experience

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12 December 2018

An Introduction to Interoperability in the Energy Sector

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12 December 2018

Building a zero-carbon economy: call for evidence

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12 December 2018

Local Area Energy Planning: Insights from three pilot local areas

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10 December 2018

Local Area Energy Planning key to minimising decarbonisation costs

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7 December 2018

Local Area Energy Planning: Supporting clean growth and low carbon transition

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30 November 2018

Energy Data Review

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30 November 2018

A review of Britain’s energy system data

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