18 September 2020

Call for Information from Tool Providers for UK Local Authority Toolkit to support SLES Innovations

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17 August 2020

Social landlords and the journey to Net Zero

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4 August 2020

Ending the sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans: consultation response

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30 July 2020

Six Steps to Zero Carbon Buildings – Step 2: Rolling out Local Area Energy Planning

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15 July 2020

Future support for low carbon heat: consultation response

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3 June 2020

Six Steps to Zero Carbon Buildings – Step 1: A new wave of place-based programmes to drive early deployment at scale

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3 June 2020

Heat Networks: Building a market framework: consultation response

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1 June 2020

Contracts for Difference for Low Carbon Electricity Generation: consultation response

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20 January 2020

The Future Homes Standard: Changes to Building Regulations

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27 November 2019

Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

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30 October 2019

Regulated Asset Base (RAB) Model for Nuclear

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21 October 2019

Open Letter Consultation on approach to setting the next electricity distribution price control (RIIO-ED2)

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2 October 2019

Carbon Offsetting in Transport: Call for Evidence

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