
Electrification of Heat – pre-1919 mid-terrace house hybrid heat pump installation

Project complete

Michael’s house had a combi gas boiler for the provision of heat and hot water. However, for Michael and his family it was very important to reduce their reliance on natural gas and reduce their carbon footprint.

When they started looking into alternative heating solutions, they came across the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) funded Electrification of Heat Demonstration Project which is trialling heat pumps. After doing some research, the family decided that this was the opportunity that they were looking for.

The Challenge

The recruitment and installation phase of the EoH project ran from July 2020 through to October 2021, and despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, 742 heat pumps were installed into a broad spectrum of housing types and socio-economic groups, that reflects a representative sample of households across Great Britain.

The range of different heat pumps installed, included:

  • Low-temperature and high-temperature air source heat pumps
  • Ground source heat pumps
  • Hybrid heat pumps incorporated with a gas boiler
  • Some additional technologies, such as heat batteries were incorporated.

Householders were asked to reflect on their first hand experiences of taking part in the programme, including disruption during the installation work, thoughts on the noise and aesthetics of the technology and the outcomes for warmth and comfort.

The Solution

Michael’s three bed, pre-1919 mid-terrace home did not have enough external space for a regular air source heat pump. As such, a hybrid heating system was installed. This combines a gas boiler and an air source heat pump in one integrated unit. The system does not need an outdoor heat pump unit.

The installation of the hybrid heat pump in the family’s garage was completed in five days. The heat pump was installed in the location of the old gas boiler which had broken down on several occasions.

The Outcome

Michael and his family are very happy with their new heating system.

The new hybrid heat pump heating system should be at least 150% more efficient than their old gas boiler and will reduce their heating CO2 emissions by about 50% – the equivalent of taking two cars off the road every year.

“The heat pump warms up the water as quickly as the gas boiler did, and if you want hot water, it is always there”, said Michael.

Read the Full Case Study

Michael, hybrid heat pump installation into a pre-1919 mid-terrace house in the Tyneside urban area

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Electrification of Heat Demonstration project

Reports, statistics and case studies helping to overcome barriers to deployment and demonstrating the feasibility of a large-scale roll-out of heat pumps.

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