
Accelerating a UK Hydrogen Economy

Net Zero is a race to secure our future and the major economies capable of rapid decarbonisation will position themselves with a key advantage in a low carbon global economy. Hydrogen is recognised as a critical energy vector to decarbonise the most challenging areas of the economy. The emergence of new global markets for zero carbon hydrogen presents a major economic opportunity for UK businesses in line with the UK Government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.

To realise this opportunity, we cannot continue to innovate in traditional sector driven silos and must develop new connectivity across sectors, organisations, places and nations. The Catapult Network is committed to making this a reality for the UK.

With our partners we are creating a dedicated special purpose vehicle – the Hydrogen Innovation Initiative – that will combine our collective strengths, capabilities, national locations and industrial reach. This aims to create a unique partnership that will forge new connections and support strategic national innovation priorities. It will add value to the UK economy by creating new technology supply chains and by maximising its diverse geographical footprint to stimulate regional prosperity.

Together the Catapult Network and its partners will accelerate translational research to grow the Hydrogen Economy and the critical role it will play in delivering Net Zero.

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Accelerating a UK Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen Innovation Initiative

The Hydrogen Innovation Initiative (HII) is a trusted group of organisations working with industry, government, and academia to create an investible, globally competitive hydrogen technology and services sector, here in the UK.

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Building evidence for decision-making on infrastructure needs for hydrogen and carbon capture, including innovation assessments, industrial deployment and storage risks.

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