
Energy Data Review

Energy data will play a pivotal role in the transformation of our whole energy system. A wealth of information can be extracted from this data, which will need to be gathered, stored, analysed, interpreted and disseminated in new ways.

However, no central map or ‘guide’ currently exists to help innovators understand where this data is, so they can exploit these benefits or mitigate any potential risks. In response, Energy Systems Catapult has created a data model and catalogue that provides a “whole-system snapshot”, allowing innovators to better understand the data landscape.

This guide, part of an Innovate UK funded pipeline project delivered alongside Baringa Partners and Delta-ee, will enable innovators to develop new data-driven products and services that exploit the power of data and support the overarching goal of the energy system transformation.​

Read the Report

Energy Data Review

Key points

The Energy Data Review has identified a number of issues with today’s energy data landscape:

  • Systems and organisations are fragmented and there are few examples of high-quality centralised repositories or coordinated exchange methods,
  • Data standards and protocols are inconsistent,
  • Data privacy rules are rigid and constrain innovation,
  • Asset data is often incomplete,
  • There is a lack of incentives for data sharing or quality assurance,
  • Despite many data functions being similar across energy vectors, electricity and gas process are separate.

As a result of its findings, the report makes the following recommendations:

  • Consumers should be incentivised to share their data via propositions that offer enhanced utility, improved experience or reduced cost,
  • Consumer willingness to share data can be increased by simplicity, transparency and robust protections,
  • Leadership is required to initiate and enforce wider data sharing and ensure the Smart Meter Programme business case is realised,
  • Data standards and interoperability frameworks are needed to enable the greater exchange of data.

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