
Insights and Impact from the first 3 years of the Energy Launchpad

96% of SMEs realising business benefits, felt the support had led to enhanced benefits or accelerated the rate at which benefits had been achieved.

After 18 months of incredible growth, which has seen more SMEs than ever before access Energy Launchpad’s support offerings, the results of a recent survey shows that our SMEs and their businesses have overwhelmingly benefitted from the targeted support we have been able to provide.

The results of the survey, which have been consolidated into a new report, found that by participating in Innovator Challenges where SMEs are connected with the wider Catapult’s in-house experts and a wide range of stakeholder networks and capabilities, SMEs are realising substantial commercial and wider benefits, as well as business acceleration of 6 months or more.

The report, Boosting Net Zero Innovators to Success, found that satisfaction with the support service is extremely high with 94% of SMEs stating that they would recommend Energy Systems Catapult and Energy Launchpad support to other SMEs.

The work that Energy Systems Catapult has done over the last three years, particularly within the Living Lab, Consumer Insight, and Digital and Data teams has allowed Energy Launchpad to really understand the market for SME products and services and recognise the common areas of development most SMEs require. As a result, Energy Launchpad has been able to really tailor its support and design a service that is meeting SMEs fundamental needs.

The report has also shown that based on the Challenge Call themes run to date; there are key impact areas that have catapulted SMEs towards commercialisation and growth. Access to support provided by Energy Launchpad alongside the work carried out by the Catapult’s subject matter experts has seen SMEs take huge strides forward in proof of concept, TRL maturity and much more.

“The guys at Energy Systems Catapult are fantastic, they are another arm to a very small start-up business and bring expertise and have helped to build our confidence in what we’re doing.”

Christine Boyle, Senergy

Key Highlights from the Survey

  • 94% of SMEs would recommend Energy Launchpad’s support
  • 81% of SME reported achieving business benefits
  • 96% of SMEs realising business benefits, felt our support had increased the scale of impacts or accelerated them
  • Energy Launchpad SMEs have totalled increased turnover of £2.1 million and the securing of more than £2.6 million in funding/investment.[1]
  • 10/12 IC6 SMEs have already realised at least one benefit
  • 100% of SMEs expect future benefits to arise from the support provided
  • 85% of respondents rated the success of their challenge call diagnostic at a 4 or 5
  • 3/4+ of SMEs had found at least one type of Universal support useful

Read the Report

Boosting Innovators to Net Zero Success

What is Energy Launchpad?

Energy Launchpad addresses the challenges SMEs and start-ups face when engaging with, and accessing, the historically risk-averse energy sector. From energy storage to zero carbon, Energy Launchpad provides a three-tiered support service helping SMEs to combat systemic barriers, de-risk innovation, scale and secure investment.

Universal: The front door to Energy Launchpad and the wider Energy Systems Catapult, we help newcomers access free insight about the UK energy system through insight reports, newsletters, and signposting to funding calls, investors, partners, test facilities, international stakeholders and events.

Incubator: Tailored support for selected pre-revenue SMEs, utilising our capabilities, in-house expertise and delivery partner offerings. Bespoke services are provided depending on the needs of each innovator and include business model development, energy system integration assessment, consumer insights guidance, digital fitness, market testing and validation, investor readiness, specialist advice, as well as identification for acceleration support.

Accelerator: Scale-up support for selected high- impact-potential SMEs. Support includes more in-depth assistance in those areas outlined in incubation. We also provide guidance to access demonstration environments such as our Living Lab, engagement with potential corporate clients and investors, and links to international opportunities.

  • Incubator or accelerator support is accessed via selection into themed Innovator Challenges.
  • All of this support works to provide SMEs with the confidence, knowledge and access required to commercialise.

[1] Data derived from SME quantified responses; we expect the real figure to be higher than this.

Energy Launchpad

Turning clean energy innovators into entrepreneurs. Propelling SMEs step-by-step through technical validation towards commercial vindication.

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