Powys: Local Area Energy Plan

What is a Local Area Energy Plan?

A Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) identifies the most cost-effective way for a local area to decarbonise its energy system to help the UK meet its Net Zero target for 2050. It is led by local government and developed collaboratively with key stakeholders.

How does the LAEP help us plan for the future?

This report provides a fully costed, spatial plan that identifies the change needed to the local energy system and built environment, detailing ‘what, where and when and by whom’.

Is it possible to decarbonise Powys’s energy system by 2050?

This LAEP identifies that it is possible to achieve a Net Zero energy system in Powys by 2050.

Powys’s energy system will have been transformed, with:

  • 56,500 heat pumps installed in homes
  • 37,700 homes retrofitted with wall and/or loft insulation
  • 77,300 fully electric vehicles
  • 29% of dwellings generating their own electricity with rooftop solar
  • 4.9 GW of large-scale renewable generation

This plan was prepared by Energy Systems Catapult, on behalf of the County of Powys, funded by Welsh Government.

Powys: Local Area Energy Plan (English)

Powys: Cynllun Ynni Ardal Leol

Bydd system ynni Powys wedi cael ei thrawsnewid gyda:

  • 56,500 o bympiau gwres wedi’u gosod mewn cartrefi
  • 37,700 o gartrefi wedi’u hôl-osod ag insiwleiddio mewn waliau a/neu lofftydd
  • 77,300 o gerbydau trydan
  • 29% o anheddau yn cynhyrchu eu trydaneu hunain â thoeon solar
  • 4.9GW o ynni adnewyddadwy yn cael ei gynhyrchu ar raddfa eang

Paratowyd y cynllun hwn gan Energy Systems Catapult, ar ran Cyngor Powys, a’i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Powys: Cynllun Ynni Ardal Leol (Cymraeg)

Local Area Energy Planning

Our pioneering evidence-based approach uses whole systems thinking to identify the best route to Net Zero for your local area

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