The Catapult’s role in influencing electricity market reform

The Catapult is committed to evaluating the impact of its work. In line with our Impact Evaluation Framework, we are taking a theory-based approach to evaluation. Within the overall frame of theory-based impact evaluation methods, we are following a contribution analysis approach, taking into account the complex nature of our interventions and how their impacts are generated.

In this report, we examine the impact the Catapult has had on reform of electricity markets and access. This evaluation demonstrates that:

  • The Catapult’s thought leadership – particularly through the Rethinking Electricity Markets report and associated thought leadership – contributed to a recognition of the need for significant reform of electricity market arrangements (claim one).
  • The Catapult’s thought leadership, alongside the work of other key players, led to an increase in consideration of policy proposals to introduce greater locational signals in the wholesale market (claim two).
  • There is less strong evidence that the Catapult’s thought leadership influenced proposals around changes to centralised contracting for renewable energy generation (claim three).

We firmly believe that the electricity market reforms we have advocated will accelerate Net Zero energy innovation and help to drive investment into low carbon generation, network enhancements and flexibility. Our evaluation work in this area aims to test the degree to which this has occurred and further understand the Catapult’s impact in driving these outcomes to date.

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The Catapult’s role in influencing electricity market reform

Rethinking Electricity Markets

Rethinking Electricity Markets is an Energy Systems Catapult programme that began in 2019 to develop proposals to reform electricity markets so that they best enable innovative, efficient, whole energy system decarbonisation.

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