Chevron Unlocking Regional Investment Through Local Area Energy Planning

Unlocking Regional Investment Through Local Area Energy Planning

Energy Systems Catapult and Phoenix Group have partnered to create a series of tools and resources designed to support local stakeholders in developing investable portfolios as an output from LAEPs. By combining technical expertise in energy systems with a focus on long-term sustainability and financial viability, these tools aim to bridge the gap between policy ambition and practical implementation.

This report sets out a four-stage framework to help local authorities move from strategy to investment:

  • Prioritising projects: Base project selection on robust Local Area Energy Planning, to ensure clarity on where and when funding is needed. Priority projects are defined as near-term interventions that can be promptly implemented to make progress towards Net Zero.
  • Explore the range of financial options: Consider the range of finance available, from public investment to private capital and managed funds, guided by the level of investment required and the local authority’s available resources, expertise and statutory duties.
  • Fostering strategic partnerships and engagement: Build engagement between local authorities, businesses, and financial institutions to secure long-term support.
  • Developing clear investment prospectuses: Create detailed investment prospectuses that outline key financial metrics and broader community benefits, helping investors understand the scale and feasibility of the projects.

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Unlocking Regional Investment Through Local Area Energy Planning

Local Area Energy Planning

Our pioneering evidence-based approach uses whole systems thinking to identify the best route to Net Zero for your local area

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