27 May 2021

Probabilistic Day-Ahead Wholesale Price Forecasting

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29 April 2021

The Case for an Economy-Wide Carbon Regulator

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29 April 2021

Energy White Paper: What it means for Smart Local Energy Systems

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22 April 2021

The School Decarbonisation Challenge

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15 April 2021

Accelerating a UK Hydrogen Economy

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12 April 2021

Electric Vehicles: What will persuade the 30% of households without off-street parking to adopt electric vehicles?

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31 March 2021

Rethinking Electricity Markets – The case for EMR 2.0

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30 March 2021

Enabling Smart Local Energy Systems: Social housing opportunities

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12 February 2021

Energy Modelling of Modular DfMA Housing for Walsall Housing Group

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8 February 2021

Developing Carbon Credit Markets

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25 January 2021

Enabling Smart Local Energy Systems: The value of digitalisation and data best practice

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9 December 2020

Industrial Decarbonisation: Net Zero Carbon Policies to Mitigate Carbon Leakage and Competitiveness Impacts

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22 October 2020

EV Energy Taskforce: Moving from Proposals to Actions

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