We’ve mapped innovators working on Digitalisation across the UK Energy Landscape – are you included in our digital energy landscape?

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Supporting digital UK energy innovators

The fast-growing energy sector has businesses spanning digital and data platforms, services and physical assets – across residential, commercial, industrial and grid markets.

Digitalisation is already beginning to improve the performance of existing assets and infrastructure; while services are emerging, driven by data, that may unlock value across the whole system.

Over 180 companies have been identified within the Digital Energy Landscape, before being segmented into 21 sub-sectors.

Including: digital utilities, service providers – financing/efficiency retrofits/DER as a service, EV car sharing and pooling, charging point platforms, P2P energy trading, commercial aggregators, Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and Load Management, Vehicle to Grid/Vehicle to Home, among others.

Download the Landscape

Our Digital Energy Landscape highlights the UK's emerging and established organisations who are innovating in this sector.

Energy Landscapes by Sector

Providing clear visibility of UK businesses innovating in a range of low carbon and clean technology sectors.

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