Your start-up success story starts here .. with Universal support for innovators and investors

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Ignite your Energy Launchpad journey

Energy Launchpad – Universal is an open resource supporting innovators and investors to gain insights about the UK energy system, opportunities for innovation and how Energy Systems Catapult helps accelerate start-ups to success.

Derisking commercialisation for start-ups innovators:

  • Below you can access guides and expert analysis on the GB energy system, events and workshops for technical or commercial insights, funding calls, investor networking and international opportunities.

Facilitating partnerships and easy access to investment opportunities:

  • Our unique combination of whole energy system expertise, hands-on delivery, and unmatched mapping of the energy innovation landscape – means we can put you in prime position to understand emerging Net Zero challenges and opportunities for investment.
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Investor ?

Opportunities: Innovator Challenges, Funding Calls & Events

Energy Supply Chain Landscapes

We’re mapping the UK Energy Landscape – identifying innovators sector-by-sector, with independent analysis – is your business included?

Universal Insights, Reports and Guides


A Guide to Energy Sector Testing & Demonstration Facilities

Click here for more


A Guide to the Decarbonisation of Heat in the UK

Click here for more


Living Lab brochure

Click here for more

Explore more Insights, Reports and Guides
An introductory guide to the

GB Energy industry

An introductory guide to the

Electricity Market

An introductory guide to the

Gas Market

An introductory guide to

Market Design

An introductory guide to

Energy Networks

An introductory guide to

Energy Policy

An introductory guide to

Energy Suppliers

An introductory guide to

Emerging Trends

Video Case Studies

Senergy & Ventive explain why ...

Latest News and Events

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