Warm Home Prescription – helping you design new services to keep patients warm and well

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Warmer homes, healthier lives

If you want to work to design, test and iterate a new Warm Home Prescription® service for people in vulnerable circumstances in your area, talk to us.

Whether you’re a healthcare provider, energy retailer, local authority, investor or other service provider, you bring your ideas and innovations, and we’ll bring our expertise and ready-made connections to the energy industry. 

A good choice if: 

  • You are, or want to partner with, innovators in the energy sector 
  • You want to understand the impact on patients’ health and wellbeing and use of your services
  • You want to test designs for new products and services 

Just some of the areas we can help with are: 

  • Identifying new patient groups 
  • Tailoring patient support  
  • Matching you with different support agencies 
  • Evaluating different business models or funding options 

Think we can help you?

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