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EV Energy Taskforce: Moving from Proposals to Actions

The Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce (EVET) was established in 2018 to bring together the auto and energy sectors to make proposals to Government and industry that ensure the GB energy system is able to accelerate the mass take-up of electric vehicles, while also delivering benefits to the electricity system.

The first EVET report ‘Energising our electric vehicle transition’ was published in January 2020. This made 21 far-reaching proposals to remove actual or potential barriers and reinforce actual or potential enablers. It focused on key issues and identified when important questions must be resolved.

At the invitation of Government, EVET moved into the 2nd phase of activity during 2020 to ensure these proposals are put into action, and now provides a collaborative strategic review body to develop, action and monitor each proposal and communicate progress on their implementation.

EVET: Key points

EVET recognised that the EV charging landscape is a dynamic space, and while focus should remain on delivery against the original 21 proposals, in order to remain current, respond to critical issues within the broader scope of the EVET and avoid duplication in a fast evolving environment, they should identify where to focus resources.

Energy Systems Catapult was central to analysing the 21 proposals and recommending EVET focus on 10 high priority actions.

  1. Action 2a – EVET to identify the scope and body that will be responsible for the implementation of cyber security practices that go beyond the charge point and deliver the required digital infrastructure and appropriate certification schemes (and subsequently monitor).
  2. Action 5a – EVET to ensure all charging management methods, charging control architectures, all charge points suitable for “duration” charging events and communication are included in minimum technical requirements for smart charge points.
  3. Action 9b – EVET to support Government and Ofgem in defining scope of evidence gathering needed to inform policy decisions related to system flexibility.
  4. Action 11a – EVET to ensure relevant activities (Modernising Energy Data Access, Energy Data Best Practice guide, Open Charge Point Protocol and industry activities) are coordinated and incorporate appropriate provisions around data handling and consumer protection (and subsequently monitor).
  5. Action 13a – EVET to support Ofgem and Government in defining the scope and approach of a Data Access and Privacy
    Framework (and subsequently monitor).
  6. Action 18a – EVET to first develop scope of and then identify body that will be responsible for coordinating industry’s consumer-facing information, such as establishing a common language, about smart charging products (including across existing activities such as Go Ultra Low, Citizens Advice on Smart EV Charging, the EVA scheme, Energy Saving
    Trust, BEAMA, the Road Transport Emissions Advice Group, Gemserv, RECC, Electrical Safety First).
  7. Action 19a – EVET to first define the scope, structure and role of and then identify the body to provide coordination between transport and energy planning (as per requirements) (and subsequently monitor).
  8. Action 20b – EVET to ensure relevant emerging evidence relevant to efficient electricity network investment is fed into Ofgem and DNOs.
  9. Action 21a – EVET to support Government in specifying UK-wide strategy or Best Practice for public charge point and associated infrastructure planning (and subsequently monitor, specifically that it is updated regularly).
  10. Action M2 – EVET to ensure activities taken forward are relying on evidence of consumer requirements founded on engagement with consumers and/or consumer groups


Explore the Electric Vehicle EV Energy Taskforce in more detail here.

Read the Report

EV Energy Taskforce: Moving from Proposals to Actions

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