29-30/10/2024 – Energy Innovation Summit 2024

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20 August 2024

What next for Energy Performance Certificates? – Fay Holland

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19 August 2024

UK government responds positively to developing energy system data sharing infrastructure

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22/11/2024 – Community Energy Awards 2024

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15 August 2024

UK-Brazil electricity innovation challenge call launched

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10/10/24 – Scaling up for success: mastering the ‘create, sell, serve’ model

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15 August 2024

SME spotlight: summer edition – Summayyah Hussain

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17-19/11/2024 – EMEX 2024

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24/09/2024 – Behaviour change for domestic retrofit: effective strategies and methods

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14/08/2024 – Value in Energy Data: Faster and better asset monitoring & management? Data and AI can help!

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02/10/2024 – Innovation Funding Workshop with Ixion Innovation

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1 August 2024

Freeport East and Innovating for Transport and Energy Systems (ITES) join forces to drive green growth

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29 July 2024

G’day to a brighter tomorrow: UK-Australia energy synergies – Andrew Pease

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