21 August 2019

Citizen’s Advice: Smarter Consumer Protection

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8 August 2019

SSH2: Industry insight – The delight of better control

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8 August 2019

SSH2: Heat Plans – Made to measure

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6 August 2019

SSH2: Industry insight – From Kilowatt hours to Warm Hours

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23 July 2019

New nuclear can earn its place within the energy mix

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19 July 2019

Update to the role of nuclear in UK’s transition to a low carbon economy

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12 July 2019

The Future of UK Carbon Pricing: consultation response

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9 July 2019

Review of Future Power System Architecture (FPSA) Functions

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4 July 2019

SSH2: Enabling domestic interoperability

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3 July 2019

Pioneering electric vehicle study shows up to 95% of consumers happy to use ‘smart charging’

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1 July 2019

SSH2: Insights from the wider economy

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24 June 2019

V2GB – Vehicle to Grid Britain

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20 June 2019

Rethinking Decarbonisation Incentives: Setting Standards for Carbon Intensity

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