5 April 2024

RetroMeter: methods for UK Metered Energy Savings – Connor Galbraith and Paula Bendiek

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4 April 2024

£2.75m boost for Peterborough City Council’s pursuit of Net Zero

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26 March 2024

Make things better for people by accelerating home energy innovation – Tom Crawford and Richard Halsey

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21 March 2024

Ecocentric: Innovating for Net Zero buildings

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19 March 2024

Dreams come true – Tim German

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15 March 2024

Delivering Net Zero in a co-ordinated, place-based way – Andrew Clark

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15 March 2024

Designing a policy framework to enable investment in long duration electricity storage

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12 March 2024

Market reform must be at heart of driving a clean energy system – Ben Shafran and Tom Luff

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12 March 2024

Domestic flexibility – an energy systems opportunity – Jon Saltmarsh

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11 March 2024

Reflections on public sector decarbonisation – Stephanie Parker

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7 March 2024

Innovating beyond retail: reaching Net Zero consumer energy

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7 March 2024

Innovating beyond energy retail – Tom Luff

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6 March 2024

Ofgem: RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Consultation

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