We help home energy innovators grow fast, delivering peerless real-world testing, and driving skills and investment for zero carbon homes.

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Testing and accelerating innovations for Net Zero homes

Our Net Zero Homes platform helps you decarbonise homes by testing clean energy innovations, supporting the development of green finance solutions to pay for them, identifying the skills and training needed to retrofit homes, while ensuring no one gets left behind in the transition to Net Zero.

We make it quicker, cheaper and easier for you to develop successful clean energy solutions for homes

Our unique ‘one stop shop’ Living Lab capability helps you develop and test products and services with real consumers, understand market opportunities, and assess network value and risks across the whole energy system.

We help you to deliver a just energy transition

By championing and trialling approaches that support low income and vulnerable consumers.

We drive the development of UK skills and transformation of supply chains

To deliver green homes we can help you to identify how to best build the future workforce.

We de-risk investment decisions for green finance institutions, such as investors and mortgage lenders

With technical, commercial and regulatory due diligence we can ensure you back proven, emissions- and energy-saving innovations. ​​

How we can help you

Pioneering a whole systems approach to Zero Carbon Homes

Test your innovation in consumer homes

With over 4,000 digitally-connected homes, our Living Lab helps you design, market-test and launch low carbon products, services and business models with real people.

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Test your innovation with homes and networks

Our Whole Energy Systems Accelerator lets you test in Living Lab homes and with electricity networks with added simulation of future system and market scenarios.

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Get rapid access to our simulation environment

Our first-of-a-kind simulation tool, Home Energy Dynamics, rapidly tests product performance with a range of housing archetypes and features – such as heating systems, building fabric, smart controls, weather and consumers.

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Develop propositions that appeal to consumers

Our Consumer Insight team can help you research, design and test new products, service propositions and business models with real consumers.

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Business Models that help your business thrive

Our Business Model Innovation team helps you de-risk innovations, streamline operations, accelerate commercialisation and maximise value for customers.

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Warm Home Prescription®

Support services and resources to help you keep people warm and well at home - now and in the future.

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Ensure your innovation works for everyone

Our Fair Futures programme help you innovate to deliver a just energy transition that supports low income, vulnerable, disabled and digitally excluded consumers

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Skills & Training for Net Zero homes

We are driving the development of new skills to build a workforce that will help you to transform supply chains and deliver Net Zero homes.

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De-risk retrofit financing for low carbon solutions

We can help green finance institutions de-risk investment decisions to ensure you back proven, emissions-saving and energy-saving innovations.

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Markets, Policy & Regulation

We can help government, regulators and other groups to test and demonstrate market arrangements, policy and regulations with real consumers in safe test environments.

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Case Studies

Testing a digital platform with real-world consumers

Amp X tested their autonomous, digital energy assistant ‘ALICE’ with a trial in our Living Lab. The ALICE platform aims to help UK households reduce their energy costs and carbon intensity through autonomous demand-side-response decisions based on real-world market signals.

ALICE will schedule energy usage by household devices’ when the energy is greenest and cheapest, with the aim that households will benefit by providing flexibility to local networks to improve grid resilience and maximise renewable energy usage.

Watch the case study:

Installed in 60 Living Lab homes, Energy Systems Catapult is working with Amp X to analyse and validate the performance of ALICE, including:

  • ALICE’s potential to facilitate demand-side response, provide carbon savings, and reduce energy costs.
  • The consumer experience – providing real-world consumer insight and feedback on ease of installation/set up/removal, usability and the quality of the consumer-interface.
  • The interface between the digital energy assistant and various in-home devices, including Electric Vehicles, smart meters, appliances, and Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning controls.

“Consumer engagement is a key barrier to demand–response as a scalable non–wire alternative. Energy Systems Catapult’s analysis helped us validate what features of our solution work best for different user–types and properties to help sell the benefits to the consumer market.”
Dr Irene Di Martino
Head of Amp X

How to work with us

We are not-for-profit, independent and technology-agnostic – building a trusted track record of delivering thought leadership, collaborative R&D and commercial commissions – so are uniquely placed to take on the challenges that others cannot tackle.

Collaborate with us: We work with partners from the public and private sectors to secure funding and collectively deliver the innovation projects and thought leadership that tackle the hardest challenges on the way to achieving Net Zero.

Commission us: We offer independent support, evidence and insights – with technical, commercial and policy expertise – to identify and deliver Net Zero innovation priorities. Then actively support clients to develop actionable plans for implementation.

Contact us

If you are interested in working with us, contact us by completing the form and one of the team will be in touch.

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Want to know more?

Find out more about how Energy Systems Catapult can help you and your teams