Chevron Debt financing low carbon hydrogen projects in the UK

Debt financing low carbon hydrogen projects in the UK

Read the executive summary

Debt financing low carbon hydrogen projects in the UK

The development of the UK’s low carbon hydrogen sector is gaining traction, with a current pipeline of production capacity estimated to be 27GW and several government-led initiatives being planned or implemented to support the sector.

Projects in energy markets often use debt financing because it is cheaper than equity and enables rapid scaling. The question this report set out to answer is whether low carbon hydrogen projects can/are able to access this type of funding.

This report not only answers this question, but shares a series of recommendations to address the challenges faced by hydrogen projects. It is based on insights captured through over 40 interviews conducted between January and April 2024 with a broad range of stakeholders. They included commercial and development banks, funds, insurance companies, advisers and central and devolved government institutions, along with small and medium sized enterprise (small corporate) project and technology developers.

Key findings

  • Offtaker commitments are key. The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, and industry need to expedite the creation of a liquid market.
  • Assurance and insurance solutions need further development.
  • A Hydrogen Debt Fund could help finance small projects which are needed to kickstart a liquid hydrogen market and sustain innovation.

Read the full report

Debt financing low carbon hydrogen projects in the UK

What is the Hydrogen Innovation Initiative?

The Hydrogen Innovation Initiative’s (HII) mission is to accelerate the development of critical technologies and supply chains in the UK for the fast-growing hydrogen economy. HII partners include the Catapult Network, the Advanced Propulsion Centre, the Aerospace Technology Institute, the Net Zero Technology Centre and the National Physical Laboratory. HII is supported by Innovate UK.

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About Eigen Ventures

The survey, interpretation of findings and reporting were carried out by Eigen Ventures Ltd. The survey interviewers and report authors were John Pexton, Giles Dixon and Mark Bornhoft.

Eigen Ventures work with technology innovators, SMEs, financiers and sectoral stakeholders to help bring low carbon and clean technology to market. Eigen Ventures designs, sets-up and delivers Venture Acceleration Programmes for innovation agencies and partners. Eigen Associates have provided business consulting, market engagement and investment readiness support to several hundred SMEs and Projects across a wide range of low carbon technologies and products in the energy, buildings and homes, transport, and industrial markets. Eigen also design and provide market studies for clients seeking to inform, facilitate or finance sectoral transitions towards Net Zero.

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