Identifying the right procurement and contracting approaches, and working effectively with your procurement team is vital to delivering the projects in your decarbonisation strategy

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These guides and tools will help you identify relevant procurement frameworks, write high quality tenders and evaluate the responses.

Running a public sector energy procurement process and ensuring the best value for money is achieved through a competitive process. Accessing framework agreements and designing contracts.

Who should use this guidance?

This Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance was commissioned by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), formerly the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the Cabinet Office to help public sector bodies and their decarbonisation partners understand the best route to Net Zero. We aim to help deliver decarbonisation projects at scale, as well as support grant funding applications, to enable rapid progress on reducing carbon emissions.

This Guidance takes learnings from the Modern Energy Partners (MEP) programme and expertise from across Energy Systems Catapult to provide guidance on heat decarbonisation and energy management.

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VIDEO: Decarbonise your public sector organisation with our Power Purchase Agreement Guide

Main Guide - Procurement

This guide aims to help you navigate your net zero procurement processes with your procurement team. It covers the basics of public sector procurement, why it is important to make the right procurement decisions, and helps you to understand the routes available.

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Procurement: Extra Guides

Discover three available guides and two more coming soon


  • Procurement routes and frameworks list
  • The role of facilities management in decarbonisation
  • Understanding energy utilities and pricing
  • Purchase Power Agreement (PPA) guide

Procurement routes and frameworks list

This guidance aims to provide you with examples of public procurement frameworks that are available for you to use as part of your procurement process.


The role of facilities management in decarbonisation

This guide helps you understand the role your facilities management provider may play in decarbonisation and how to get the best out of them in both the early stages of the tender process and during your contract.


Understanding energy utilities and pricing

This guide takes you through the different options and frameworks available for high quality energy procurement. It also provides some insight into future changes we might expect to see in the energy markets.


Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) guide

This guide sets out benefits and risks of the different PPA models for offtakers and generators. It also gives an overview of the procurement process and stakeholder engagement to help optimise your contract terms.

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Procurement: Tools & Tutorials

Discover three available tools and accompanying tutorials


  • Sample specifications for technology deployment
  • Scope of services to support decarbonisation
  •  Running a procurement event checklist

Sample specifications for technology deployment

This tool will help you to include the right information in your specification helping you to get a comprehensive quote for the works you require, and ensure that your project is delivered on time, on budget and as you expected.


Scope of services to support decarbonisation

This document can help you bring in specialists to support your decarbonisation programme by providing a template procurement specification.


Running a procurement event checklist

This checklist provides a quick reference guide for the four key stages of procurement; pre-tender, tendering, evaluation and handover. It sets out the considerations at each stage helping to make sure you don’t miss any key steps. It complements the main guide on procurement and the supporting guide on procurement event processes.

Carbon Net Zero

Carbon Net Zero - these pages from the Crown Commercial Service will support you on your carbon reduction journey.

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Next Theme: Funding

Helping you work out what your projects will cost, apply for available grants for the public sector,

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Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance

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