Develop a data-led organisational strategy to decarbonise your public sector buildings and sites

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Strategic Definition, Planning & Briefing

Our guidance, tools and templates will help you set up your organisation to tackle carbon emissions reduction and complements the Net Zero Estate Playbook – developed by the Office of Government Property with support from Energy Systems Catapult.

It includes guidance on timelines, energy data, greenhouse gas reporting as well as developing your stakeholder engagement and communication plans. Tools are available to help you estimate your energy usage into the future and provide a quick assessment of the benefits of implementing certain decarbonisation interventions.

Who should use this guidance?

This Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance was commissioned by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), formerly the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the UK Government Property Function to help public sector bodies and their decarbonisation partners understand the best route to achieving Net Zero. We aim to help deliver decarbonisation projects at scale, as well as support grant funding applications, to enable rapid progress on reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.

This Guidance takes learnings from the Modern Energy Partners (MEP) programme and expertise from across Energy Systems Catapult to provide guidance on heat decarbonisation and energy management.

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VIDEO: Developing your Strategy for Public Sector Decarbonisation

Main Guide - Developing and delivering your decarbonisation strategy

This guide supports public sector organisations to develop their decarbonisation strategy and programme with the aim of reducing energy demand and eliminating fossil fuels across your estate.

Looking to decarbonise your school or college?

Take a look at our sector specific guidance

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Developing your heat decarbonisation strategy

These three resources, alongside the main Theme 1 guide, will help you develop a high quality heat decarbonisation strategy.

Discover three available guides


  • Heat decarbonisation strategy – data capture form
  • Heat decarbonisation strategy guidance and template
  • Heat decarbonisation strategy template

Heat decarbonisation strategy - data capture form

A downloadable Excel data capture form to help you collect data about your building portfolio and prioritise decarbonisation action.

Heat decarbonisation strategy guidance and template

This guide covers what should be included in your heat decarbonisation strategy and works hand in hand with the data capture form.


Heat decarbonisation strategy template

This is a downloadable and editable word template you can use to produce your heat decarbonisation strategy.

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Developing your Strategy: Extra Guides

Discover 11 available guides


  • What could decarbonisation look like for you?
  • Understanding your energy data
  • Stakeholder engagement and communications guide
  • Skills and capabilities guide
  • Understanding your timelines and risks
  • Guidance for the estimator tools
  • Supporting local authority senior leaders to tackle the v emergency
  • Greenhouse gas reporting guide
  • How to effectively make the case for decarbonisation projects to decision makers
  • Glossary of terms
  • Building Retrofit Planning – RIBA Plan of Work

What could decarbonisation look like for you?

This guide provides insight into what an overall decarbonisation solution could look like – including various examples of technology and how they can work together.


Understanding your energy data

This short guide helps you to understand your energy data better and how it can inform your strategy and programme development.


Stakeholder engagement and communications guide

This guide helps you think about your stakeholder engagement and communications plans and how these are critical to the success of your programme.


Skills and capabilities guide

This guide covers the skills and capabilities, including referral links to other Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance, that might be required for each of the activities you and your team need to undertake to deliver a decarbonisation programme.


Understanding your timelines and risks

It can typically take over two years to complete the delivery of decarbonisation projects.  This guide helps you consider what needs to be included in your plan and how to manage your


Guidance for the estimator tools

This document is your supporting user guide for the three estimators available to help you develop your decarbonisation strategy. The estimators are the ‘high-level decarbonisation intervention estimator’, the ‘business as usual estimator’ and the ‘decarbonisation intervention estimator’.


Supporting local authority senior leaders to tackle the climate emergency

This publication is designed to inform and inspire local authority senior leadership to close the gap between climate ambition and action. It includes the actions senior leaders should take, and signposts the available support.


Greenhouse gas reporting guide

This guide covers the basics for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring and reporting. It details the different routes you might use voluntarily, and the associated benefits, as well as mandatory disclosures for public sector organisations.


How to effectively make the case for decarbonisation projects to decision makers

This guide outlines the key benefits and considerations you should draw on when developing proposals for decarbonisation projects, to get buy-in/support from decision makers within your organisation.


Glossary of terms

This glossary contains explanations of the terminology and organisations commonly used or referred to across the Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance.


Building Retrofit Planning – RIBA Plan of Work

This guide outlines the actions and processes involved in a building decarbonisation retrofit project, aligning them with the Royal Institute of British Architects’ (RIBA) Plan of Work.

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Developing your Decarbonisation Strategy: Tools & Tutorials

Discover four available tools and accompanying tutorials


  • Understanding your timelines – template
  • Business as usual estimator
  • Decarbonisation intervention estimator
  • Net Zero organisational assessment



Understanding your timelines - template

A downloadable template that helps you work out your timelines for your decarbonisation programme.


Business as usual estimator

This estimator allows input of building, site or portfolio level energy consumption data. This will provide a baseline of energy use over time from which decarbonisation interventions can be assessed. It also allows for known future changes to the site to be captured and incorporated into the future assessments. This estimator tool comes with a user guide providing instructions for use.

Click here for a video tutorial on how to use this tool.


Decarbonisation intervention estimator

This estimator provides a range of key decarbonisation options, including heat, renewables and energy efficiency, which can be applied to your building, site or portfolio. This allows for quick assessment of potential benefits of implementing these interventions. This estimator uses the baseline data from the ‘business as usual’ estimator. This estimator tool comes with a user guide providing instructions for use.

Click here for a video tutorial on how to use this tool.


Net Zero organisational assessment

This assessment tool identifies areas for improvement within your organisation’s operational model to unlock and support scaled delivery of decarbonisation.

Clean Power 2030 Mission

The government has appointed leading industry and academic experts to the Clean Power 2030 Advisory Commission to help accelerate UK's mission to decarbonise the electricity grid.

Read more

Next Theme: Design and Feasibility

Develop detailed feasibility studies for one, or a suite of, investible decarbonisation measures

Move to Theme 2

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Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance

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